NBC NEWS: Medical Marijuana Stops Spread of Breast Cancer

NBC NEWS: Medical Marijuana Stops Spread of Breast Cancer

“Cannabidiol enhances the inhibitory effects of Delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol on human glioblastoma cell proliferation and survival: The cannabinoid 1 (CB(1)) and cannabinoid 2 (CB(2)) receptor agonist Delta(9)-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) has been shown to be a...
Cannabinoids As Cancer Hope

Cannabinoids As Cancer Hope

“Cannabinoids possess … anticancer activity [and may] possibly represent a new class of anti-cancer drugs that retard cancer growth, inhibit angiogenesis (the formation of new blood vessels) and the metastatic spreading of cancer cells.” So concludes a...
Cannabinoid Treatment: Gliomas

Cannabinoid Treatment: Gliomas

Gliomas (tumors in the brain) are especially aggressive malignant forms of cancer, often resulting in the death of affected patients within one to two years following diagnosis. There is no cure for gliomas and most available treatments provide only minor symptomatic...
Cannabinoids Reduce ErbB2-Driven Breast Cancer Progression Through Akt Inhibition

Cannabis and Cannabinoids (PDQ®)

Laboratory/Animal/Preclinical Studies Antitumor Effects Appetite Stimulation Analgesia Cannabinoids are a group of 21-carbon–containing terpenophenolic compounds produced uniquely by Cannabis sativa and Cannabis indica species.[1,2] These plant-derived compounds may...