Personalized Treatment Plan Package

Personalized California Medical Marijuana Recommendations

Call for your appointment (510) 550-7500

Or schedule on-line

Personalized Treatment Plan Package

The Personalized Treatment Plan Package is designed to address the challenges facing most patients trying to treat medical problems with Cannabis: lack of medical guidance – the REAL problem with medical marijuana. With over 50,000 products on the market and many geared towards getting high, how does a patient seeking symptoms relief from marijuana safely begin? Which product? What dose? How should adjustments be made over time?

This package is for patients 18 years of age or older who have been previously seen (including Initial Consultations) at Naturally Healing MD  and want guidance on how to start a new, safe, and effective treatment plan for symptom relief. It includes: a personalized treatment plan, product recommendation, dispensary information, dosage guide, one-year internet-verifiable medical marijuana recommendation, and a follow-up appointment in 4-8 weeks to assess progress and make any changes a patient’s experience suggests are necessary.

What should I expect?

Naturally Healing MD’s focus is on providing medical guidance. With over 20 years of experience and over 10,000 patient visits, Dr. Vollen provides a personalized treatment plan based on YOUR needs, designed to ensure safe Cannabis use and an efficient route to effective symptom relief.

How should I schedule?

You can schedule on-line. If you do not see an appointment that meets your needs, please call the office at (510) 550-7500.

Naturally Healing MD typically serves ten or so new patients a week, while continuing its work with the many many long-term patients it has had the pleasure of serving and learning from over the past 20 years!

What is the cost?

The Personalized Treatment Plan Package is $159. In order to schedule, you will need to provide a valid credit card. Following your appointment, your credit card will be charged $159.

For those patients unable to pay by credit card, please contact the office at : (510) 550-7500 so we can make alternative arrangements.

Can Cannabis help me?

The most common conditions for which Naturally Healing MD provides the Personalized Treatment Plan Package are pain, anxiety, insomnia and depression. Treatment plans are individualized for a wide variety of patients – from individuals suffering from occasional bouts of pain (such as headaches or menstrual cramps), to patients with chronic problems (such as arthritis, back pain, depression, insomnia, and anxiety disorders), to patients with life threatening diseases (such as cancer, AIDs, and advanced neurological disease).

How long will my appointment take?

The on-line intake form takes about 10 minutes. The appointment provides up to 25 minutes with the physician. Your treatment plan is then developed based on your particular history, needs and goals and mailed to your address, usually the same day.

How should I prepare for my appointment?

If you have not already done so,  Naturally Healing MD urges you to read the Introductory Guide before your appointment. It will give you the basics of Cannabis medicine, so you can more easily understand the options that will be discussed during your appointment.

If you want to further enhance your understanding of Naturally Healing MD’s approach, you can watch the hour long on-line video of Dr. Vollen’s San Francisco library talk, which will introduce you to her, the science behind cannabis, and a few patients who share their medicinal Cannabis experiences with viewers.

Decide which symptom (if you have more than one) is the most important for your initial treatment plan.  While cannabis can be used for a variety of symptoms, to begin usage it is enormously useful to focus on one particular symptom.

What will I get?

You will receive a personalized treatment plan that includes specific product recommendation, dispensaries or delivery services that carry the product, mode of medicating, frequency of use,  and a titration schedule to adjust your dosage in the first weeks of use.  You will also receive a California medical marijuana recommendation. These documents will be mailed to you.

A follow-up appointment is part of the Personalized Treatment Plan Package. It is typically advised that you schedule within 4-8 weeks of your initial appointment. You can schedule your follow-up by clicking here: Schedule a Follow Up.

At your follow-up, we will review your progress to date with Cannabis and adjust your  treatment plan accordingly.

What about a Medical Marijuana Card?

Your package includes a California medical marijuana recommendation, which is your legal document necessary (along with a California ID) to purchase medical marijuana products from a medical-only cannabis dispensary.