State or County Card

California Medical Marijuana Recommendation Renewals

Call for your appointment (510) 550-7500

Or schedule on-line

What should I expect?

State or County ID Cards for Tax Exempt Cannabis Purchases can save patients 7.5% on all California cannabis purchases.

In order to obtain the State or County Card, patients must have valid current medical marijuana recommendations, such as those issued by Naturally Healing MD.

Naturally Healing MD has produced a step by step instruction guide for obtaining your State or County ID card, that includes the application form, process, and contact information on the local facilities issuing the ID. Patients must go to the facility located in the county in which they reside.

Packets are available at the office to all Naturally Healing MD patients who want exemption from the State’s 7.5% tax.

The State charges $100 for the card. If you are spending over $100/month on cannabis products, it is probably worthwhile to get the State/County card. Prices are expected to increase in 2018 compared to the previous year, so the cost of the card and your recommendation will probably be more than re-cooped at a current spending rate of $100/month.