Patient Testimonials

California Medical Marijuana Recommendations

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It has definitely changed my life cause I was in such excruciating pain, and sciatic pain, I had to retire. I couldn’t stand on that floor any longer and I couldn’t handle the pain. One time I had to have an ambulance come and get me because I was in so much pain and they shot me up full morphine. It was the worst experience I ever had in my life and now I don’t have that anymore.

I got CBD capsules and I can’t tell you how much it’s changed my life. I take one capsule a day and I have a cream that is absolutely the best thing I’ve ever seen. If my back is hurting, I can just rub some of that or sometimes I have arthritis in my hands, I rub it in my hands, I put it in my neck and in ten minutes I can feel the difference.

I have not found anything negative with my experience with CBD. I mean my husband, who’s a retired police officer, can’t talk about it enough to people.  He’s just thrilled.
It changed my life.


69 year old retiree, formerly working in retail sales