On-Going Support Services
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Using marijuana to alleviate symptoms, improve functioning, and achieve a sense of well being requires more than a recommendation. It entails cultivating an effective medical marijuana practice that is designed to meet your particular needs.
With over 600 different strains of marijuana, hundreds of other edible products, many verities of tinctures, and new devices for administering your medicine, patients can get lost in the thicket of choices and never harness the properties of marijuana that they can benefit from.
For those patients new to marijuana (or using it for the first time since their college days) who are seeking to develop an effective medical marijuana practice to achieve their health goals, Naturally Healing MD provides on-going support to help patients safely optimize their medical marijuana usage.
Patients are typically seen monthly for thirty minutes until achieving their health goal (like pain or anxiety relief).
How do I know if I can benefit from on-going support services?
First-time evaluation patients who are newcomers to marijuana are more likely to need supportive services to derive significant benefit from marijuana than are those with more experience. Naturally Healing MD provides an opportunity for questions via email to new patients free of charge up to one month after their initial visit.
Patients are encouraged to return one month after their initial visit to help advance the effectiveness of their cannabis usage. Support services are only available to Naturally Healing MD recommendation holders.